Consumating your social network...
Aug/14/05 03:04 PM

A new social networking website has popped into existence out of thin air again. This time, the hook is consumating with your social network, i.e., finding people who have similar interests to you using those oh-so-web2.0 tags, having a lot of people on the site give you the thumbs up and a ranking based upon how many people said they would "do you". Uff da!
The funniest part of this site, other than the obvious misspelling of the word "consummating", at least with some of the more active profiles, is reading the comments from the "rate a date" functionality. People that "hook-up" can post about their experiences first with a comment from the person that "dated" the person described in the profile, and then with a rebuttal that must be posted within 24 hours of the "date" by the person represented by the profile. There are some great comments on a couple of profiles on both sides of the equation. Others simply let the dater post and don't reply back in time leaving the conversation a bit one-sided.
As far as I can tell, points are awarded to you by others who rate your responses to a series of seemingly random weekly-added questions, or by simply clicking the thumbs up button on your profile when they see it. There's also a nifty little recommendation engine that suggests people based upon the tags that you entered and the tags that you click on to find people. Additionally, there are sections for popular tags, unpopular tags and random tags as well as girls or boys nearby and most popular user tags.
One of the site's creators is ranked #1 [Ben Brown] and there's also a tag "f**kedbenbrown" that appears on two profiles as of this posting. It's good to be on top I guess and it helps to b an early adopter or a founder. RSS feeds of people's comments on their "dates" are available for aggregating this specific type of content as well. Their About section also includes a reference to the Uberweb2.0 acronym AJAX, or Asynchronous Javascript and XML, for the web2.0-challenged among us. I'm not sure where they're using it though; maybe it's being used for the thumbs up click?
Strangely enough, I just joined and have quickly moved from 4345th to 2025th in rank overnight! I have only one point as well. I gotta go answer some silly questions!
Check out the consumating site for yourself right here.