Blinklist: advanced bookmarking service...
Aug/03/05 09:14 PM

Blinklist is a nifty little bookmarking site that requires simple registration to utilize its best features but after registering, you can easily tag, categorize and even "star" bookmarks. The site also features public and private bookmarks and an import for Firefox and IE. No Safari import, as far as I could tell from my short visit to the site. Unfortunately for us Mac users, the blinksite bookmarklet, a crucial element for using the blinklist site, doesn't appear on the step 2 page, or on the blinktool page when using the site in Safari. The blinktool download link does appear when I visit the site using Firefox though.
Here's the link.
Top 10 Shareware apps for the Mac in 2005...
Aug/03/05 01:03 PM
MacZealots posted their top ten shareware apps for
2005. Many of these are geeky additions for developer
and programmer types but there are also some
interesting applications for non-geek consumers as
well, including Delicious Library for tracking and
catalogueing your recorded media loans and library.
Check it out here.
Check it out here.
Flickr debuts two new features...
Aug/02/05 09:51 PM
and interestingness were added to the flickr feature
set today. Digital Photography has the story of these
two subtle features. a search site for syndicated content including podcasts and videocasts...
Aug/02/05 12:29 PM
S.F. SOMA-based, a syndicated search
engine company with plans to offer web services in
the future, is currently offering site users a
limited number of registration invitations for people
that wish to add ratings and reviews to content that
has been accumulated and indexed on their site. They
also feature videocast search in addition to podcasts
and regular syndicated content which is new to me.
Registration is not required to search for content,
Additionally, if you get invited to join and you sign up, your account receives 6 invites to join the site that you can send to your friends. I just sent out an invite to a friend of mine.
Here's the link to their site.
I've got 5 invites left so ping me if you want one...
Additionally, if you get invited to join and you sign up, your account receives 6 invites to join the site that you can send to your friends. I just sent out an invite to a friend of mine.
Here's the link to their site.
I've got 5 invites left so ping me if you want one...
Current TV is broadcasting now!
Aug/02/05 01:20 AM

I hate to admit this but I have a TV with cable. I did just get the news about Current TV going live though. There are streamed uploads that you can view on the site and there are quite a few of these uploads available for streaming. The uploads play just fine on my Mac using Safari, but the "pods" that they play on the TV channel are not streamed on the site yet. Maybe in the near future they will start streaming the channel from the site as well.
There's lots of interesting "pods" I've seen since last night. One of the pods is about suicide clubs that are sadly popular in Japan as well as a short about Shepard Fairey's Obey street art. Another Current TV "pod" documents young people in Iran at a party with alcohol which are both illegal. Homosexuality is also illegal in Iran and they execute homosexuals in that country. The documentarian is surprised to see ecstacy at the house party as well which can land offenders in prison for a long time.
The station's Current Soul segment just featured Deepak Chopra with a short discussion of karma, physics and prayer. Deepak is a "mentor" on Current TV; apparently one of a few that will be featured as proramming ramps up. I haven't seen very many commercials so far on the network. Of course, right after I said that, I saw a Sony DVD HandyCam ad but there was only one not three or four back to back.
People that are capable of producing compelling content can submit it to the site and if your upload is selected, Current TV will pay you up to $1000 per piece. I hope some people on tribe get their poop together and produce some content for the site. If anyone wants to license or use any of my music for a spot, please feel free to contact me so that we can sort something out.
The CurrentTV site continuously updates with a blurb and a photo about the current pod that's playing and also features a list of upcoming pods and how many minutes away they are that can be clicked on. The TV channel has a little progress bar that indicates how long the segment is while you're watching.
So far, my only complaints are that they seem to play some of the pods more often than others, including the Deepak Chopra pod almost back to back recently, and their promo videos are waaaay louder than the "pod" content and the VJ segues into the "pods".
Google has also partnered with Current but from what I can tell, there's no mention of it yet on their site.
Where to find Current on your cable system:
DirecTV Nationwide: 366
Time Warner Digital:
New York City 103
Los Angeles 116
Honolulu 108
Other cities:
See the Current TV website and click on the Get Current image link to find your area's Time/Warner Digital channel.
S.F. Bay Area, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Seattle, Portland, D.C., Philadelphia, Denver, Miami, Salt Lake City, Aspen, Fresno: 125
Atlanta: 287
Cleveland, St. Paul, Pittsburgh: 107
For other Comcast cities, check out the website and click on the Get Current image link
Shepard Fairey link
Current TV link
Scientists discover a new planet further out than Pluto between .7 and 1.5 times its size...
Aug/01/05 07:55 PM
Wired Magazine has an article about a new planet in
our solar system, dubbed "The 10th Planet" by Michael
Brown who announced the discovery.
Ableton announces the release of Live 5 at Summer NAMM show...
Aug/01/05 07:50 PM
Apparently, Summer NAMM is now held in...
Indianapolis? Wow, I'm outta the music biz loop I
guess. What happened to Nashville? Anyhoo, Live 5,
for the geeks in the house is out now.